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Work Related Injury

Ready to Recover From Your Work Injury?
Physiotherapy can Aid in the Recovery Process

Did you sustain an injury while on the job? If so, Bodiworks can help. Physiotherapy plays a key role in helping people recover from their work injuries especially since treatment plans are often covered under workers’ compensation insurance.

Work injuries can cause physical, mental, and monetary distress, especially if you are unsure of how long your recovery period will be. Because of this, it is important to consult with a physiotherapist as soon as possible to get started on the right rehabilitation plan for your needs.

How will physiotherapy help with my work injury?

Physiotherapy has been proven successful in quickly and effectively treating work injuries for people of all ages.

It is a natural, quick, and easy way to recover from work injuries. In many cases, it also eliminates the need for potentially harmful prescription drugs or surgical intervention. At our physiotherapy practice, we employ the most advanced treatment methods for pain relief, improved mobility, and overall well-being. Your physiotherapist will create a personalized treatment plan for your specific needs, in addition to helping you with techniques for proper performance while on the job, in order to avoid further injury in the future.

Why did I experience a work injury?

A work injury can be described as any injury or illness sustained while an employee is on the job. Many occupations can present potentially dangerous situations, including construction, police work, or nursing. However, even office work can lead to work-related injuries, as sitting in the same position for prolonged periods of time can take a toll on your body. People who work in offices or factories are also prone to repetitive motion injuries, due to the nature of their jobs that require constant repetition.

If you happen to get hurt at work, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible,
as almost any type of injury left untreated may become more severe over time.

Did you sustain one of these work injuries?

There are several specific causes and types of work injuries. Some of the most common include:

Auto accidents
If you work in a job that requires the use of a vehicle, there is always a risk of a motor vehicle accident injury. Work-related automobile accidents can result in injuries ranging from mild cuts and abrasions to broken bones and severe whiplash. Physiotherapy can help in your recovery from an automobile accident by reducing pain and inflammation, and restoring your range of motion.

Sprains and strains
Sprains and strains can occur throughout the body, affecting the tendons and ligaments. These can occur from trauma, such as falling off a ladder, or repetitive motions. They can also occur as a result of improper use of equipment. Whatever the case may be, physiotherapy at Ability Physiotherapy can help you reduce or even eliminate the pain from an injured tendon or ligament.

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed, typically due to repetitive motions. Common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include typing and assembly line work. According to Harvard Health, it is necessary to seek treatment for this condition as soon as possible, in order to avoid long-term nerve damage. A physiotherapy program may include light exercises to strengthen the muscles in your hand and wrist, as well as stretches to improve flexibility.

Tendinitis develops through repetitive motions and excessive overuse of certain body parts. Symptoms typically include tenderness, pain, and swelling. This condition most commonly occurs in the knees, elbows, and shoulders, and can be corrected with physiotherapy.

Back Pain
Back pain is the most commonly reported source of pain, and it can be caused by several work-related activities. For example, long periods of inactivity, such as sitting at a desk all day, can lead to back pain. Conversely, too much force on your back, such as repeatedly lifting heavy items with the wrong body mechanics, can also lead to back pain. Back injuries are typically caused by rotating or twisting the back in an incorrect way, especially when lifting. Our trained physiotherapists are dedicated to helping you achieve a pain-free life.

If you were injured at work, contact Bodiworks today to get started on the first steps of your treatment plan. We’ll work with your worker’s compensation caseworker to help you recover quickly and get you back to your normal routine.

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710, 860 St. Albert Trail, St. Albert, AB T8N 7V2

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